Thursday, March 21, 2019

Day 14– Being Single-minded 2x2

Please read Philippians 2:5-11

Andrew Carnegie was a steel baron. He had a sister who always complained her sons always asked for money but never replied to her letters, so she neither knew how they were or what they were doing. So Carnegie advised her a method of them to reply to her letter. Carnegie made his sister wrote a letter and ended each letter with the words- I hope you enjoy this $100 I am sending you. Within a few days, the young men wrote back to their mother  – they wrote, in detail, how they were, and what they were doing etc. and ended their letters with the words – PS. You forgot to put the $100 in the envelope.  Carnegie was a successful man because he knew how to get the task done.   

Coming to us believers, we are blessed to have Jesus and he gave one task – to go and make disciples of all nations. This task is for all of us. All of us are blessed with different talents for the same task – to share Jesus with all.  But somehow we lose our focus on that task and we run to the world and its glamor and glitter.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, in today’s text Paul tells us about Christ being obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross to fulfill the task set for Him by God our Father. Have you ever wondered where you and I would be IF Jesus forgot His Father’s task for him? We should be eternally grateful that Jesus was single-minded coming to our salvation and us. Also, we should ask ourselves “Am I single-minded in my commitment and stewardship to God?”

Dear Lord Jesus thank you for your obedience on the cross for my joy and glory. Teach me unswerving faith and unwavering focus on sharing the Gospel. Amen.

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