Tuesday, March 31, 2015


1 Timothy 1:2

Yesterday’s post (no. 35) was about grace. In that post’s story, Chuck Swindoll writes about his father, “he gave me what I did not deserve. The birthday dinner was grace.”  Just above those words, Chuck tells us about his dad spanking him and writes, “He gave me what I deserved earlier.”

Chuck’s father is an earthly father. He gave 13-year-old Chuck what he deserved. But our Heavenly Father is unique. Our Gracious Father does not give us what we deserve. You and I should be punished for our sins- that is what we deserve- but our sins are forgiven by Jesus’ blood.

God NOT giving you and I what we deserve is called God’s MERCY.

Yesterday I wrote about Grace. The definition of grace is free and unmerited favor of God. However in order to truly comprehend grace, we need to understand mercy because God’s Mercy is at the heart of God’s Grace. God in His mercy forgives us our son and in His grace he saves us.

So I ask you dear brother and sister in Christ: Are you afraid of a sin or sins that you committed? Are you burdened by the fear that God is angry with you? Do you think that God will punish you for your sin(s)?  “Take heart”(Psalm 27:4 NIV) Many scriptures such as But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy...(Psalm 5:7 NIV)” teach us about our Merciful Father. What ever your sin might be, repent and turn to God through Jesus, the beautiful Savior. For the sake of Jesus, God will save you- His beautiful creation- by His grace.

Also, if you don’t remember anything that I wrote the past few weeks that is ok. But please remember this –
God’s grace is a free gift for all sinners. We did not anything, to deserve grace.
God’s mercy is not about fairness; it is about you and I sinners not getting what we deserve.
God is not looking for ways to keep you from His presence. On the contrary, our loving God himself made a way for you to reach Him. And that way is Jesus. (John 14:6)

So let us, with humble and repentant hearts seek mercy. Also, let us live showing mercy to others. And let’s never forget this beatitude - “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)

O Lord, If you were not a merciful God, where would I be? Please help me understand your grace and your mercy. Amen.   

Monday, March 30, 2015


1 Timothy 1:2

Coming to his thirteenth birthday, Pastor Chuck Swindoll writes, “I vividly remember the last spanking I ever received. Having just broken into the sophisticated ranks of the teen world, I thought I was something on a stick. My father wasn’t nearly as impressed as I was with my great importance and new-found independence. I was lying on my bed. He was outside the window on a muggy October afternoon in Houston, TX, weeding the garden. He said, ‘Charles, come out and help me weed the garden.’ I said something like, ‘No, it’s my birthday, remember?’ My tone was sassy and my deliberate lack of respect was eloquent. I knew better than to disobey my dad, but after all, I was the ripe old age of thirteen. Dad set a new 100-meter record that autumn afternoon. He was in the house in a flash and all over me like white on rice, spanking me all the way out to the garden. As I recall, I weeded until the moonlight was shining on the pansies. That same night he took me out to a surprise dinner. He gave me what I deserved earlier. Later he gave me what I did not deserve.   The birthday dinner was grace.” 

Now we all know that Jesus is God and He comes with grace to us. John teaches us this in 3 places -The Word is full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) John 1:16-17 from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

And the word grace is found 118 times in the New Testament. So it is an important word. But what does it mean?
Grace is what I, ______________ (your name), get from God even though I do not deserve it. Basically, it is a free gift from God and you and I do not deserve it.

Dear brother and sister in Christ: You and I are sinners and transgressors and we truly deserve God’s eternal damnation and punishment. But because of His grace, God does not condemn us or punish us. Instead He forgives us our sins and reconciles us to Himself. And Jesus paid the price on the cross for your wrongs and my wrongs, your sins and my sins.  

So remembering that we were bought with a price” let us “glorify God in our body.”(1 Corinthians 6:20)

Dear God, I am grateful that you are a God full of grace. Continue to shower your grace through Jesus, so that I can glorify you in my body and be fruitful in your kingdom. Amen.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


John 6:35-37 & Psalm 51:10

Charlotte was born on March 18, 1789 in Clapham, England. She was a portrait artist and a humorist. For the first thirty years of her life, she lived such a life of excess that she was called “Carefree Charlotte”. Then suddenly at age 30, Charlotte became seriously ill and was confined to her bed in pain.  Bitter and despondent, she was upset with God.

Two years later, one of her father’s friends came for dinner. He was Dr. Caesar Malan, a pastor and evangelist.  At dinner, a bitter Charlotte made horrible comments. Dr. Malan told her, ‘come as you are to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.’ And he taught her about Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice for her – Charlotte, the sinner. This teaching of Dr. Malan was the opposite of what she had heard about Jesus all her life- pray more, study scripture more and do more. Charlotte was moved so much by Jesus’ grace and sacrifice that she always celebrated that day as her spiritual birthday.

Charlotte never regained her health. But her faith and hope in our Lord and Savior never wavered. She wrote around 150 hymns to celebrate her faith. Her favorite hymn reflected Dr. Malan’s teaching. And the hymn begins -

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Some hymns are well known for their poetic content; some hymns for their grand and magnificent music. Then there is Charlotte Elliot’s ‘Just as I am’.  The hymn, simple in word and music, is now well known as the hymn that brought more people to Jesus than any sermon. It is called the ‘greatest soul-winning hymn’. It simply teaches – ‘Come to Jesus with all your faults, transgressions, afflictions, problems and burdens. Jesus will pardon you, cleanse you, relieve you and accept you.’

Dear brother and sister in Christ: I don’t know your situation. I don’t know your trials, tribulations and temptations. I don’t know what you are doing right now. In fact in this internet age, I might not know who you are. But I know this  for sure - Jesus knows YOU and He loves sinners like YOU and me.

So let’s turn and come to Jesus and he will forgive us and create a new heart in us.

Dear Lord Jesus, you are my true friend and savior. Help me to come to you without any fear. Let your light shine on me so that I can be the light of the world. Amen.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Romans 8:35-39

Horatio Spafford had everything a man would want and dream. He was a wealthy attorney living in a magnificent home in Chicago.  He and his wife Anna had four daughters and a son. Devout Christians, the Spaffords’ had powerful and famous friends including the great evangelist D.L. Moody, whom they financially supported.

As we all know, even the rich and the powerful are not immune to tragedy. First Horatio’s young son died. Then the Great Chicago Fire destroyed most of his real estate investments.
Stressed out, the family decided to go on a vacation to relax and recuperate. They decided to go to England so they could also join D.L. Moody’s evangelism efforts. On the day of the travel, Horatio had to take care of some unforeseen business matters. So he sent his wife and daughters on the trip hoping to join them soon. However, tragedy struck again. The ship that carried Anna and the four daughters was struck by another ship. 226 people including the four Spafford girls died. Only Anna survived.  When she landed on the English soil, she sent a telegram* to Horatio.

Horatio boarded a vessel to join and console his wife in England. On the way he spent hours on the ship’s deck when his ship came close to the waters where his daughters drowned. At that time on the sea he wrote a song that goes like this -

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well (it is well),
with my soul (with my soul),
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Dear brother and sister in Christ: The song that Horatio penned is the famous hymn ‘It is well with my soul’ that comforts many. Personally, I love the fourth stanza-
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

Jehovah Jireh, I thank you for providing me your peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) so that I can always look up to Christ Jesus and not the world that drags me down. Amen!

In case you do not remember the hymn, here are two videos. The first is a version I like with photos and narrative. Please watch it.
The second video portrays the way we sing in Church.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


MATTHEW 21:1-10

As a child, I would ask my parents for gifts, toys, clothes etc. I would also pray to God for the items  because my mother would tell me ‘ask God and he will give you the gift.’ You probably did the same. Also, I did ask and pray for pets – you probably did too. But I don’t think anyone of us prayed “God I want a donkey.” People don’t care about donkeys. They are considered lowly. And Telugu speaking people are familiar with the following- whenever I behaved bad, my father and my grandparents would call me ‘gadidha(donkey)’.

Coming to Matthew 21, we read about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. And the people shout, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” But the perplexing thing is the Blessed One is coming on a donkey! This fulfills what is written in Zechariah 9:9your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey”.  Still…

Think about that- God is sending His Son on a donkey- a lowly creature in our minds! That might seem strange to us, but Jesus coming on a donkey does matter and in fact we should be thankful that Jesus comes on donkey.

During Old Testament times, a king had two types of transportation. One mode was the king came on a donkey. It meant that he came in peace. In I Kings 1:38 we see Solomon riding King David’s donkey to be anointed as the new king of Israel.  On the other hand, a king would use a horse to travel. Whenever he came on a horse – people would be afraid because that signified serious matters. The king was coming for a war – he was coming to conquer, judge and punish.

Dear brother and sister in Christ: you all know that Jesus is coming back. But do you know how he will come?  Apostle John tells us in Revelation 19 – 11 behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. … 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.”

So why does God sending his Son on donkey matter? It matters because, right now, our King of kings Jesus is still coming to us on a donkey bringing salvation and peace. But one day he will come on His horse to judge and to make war. Now the question is - will you and I be “ready”(Matthew 24:44) when Jesus comes again on His horse?

Lord Jesus, help me to set my eyes on you only so that I will be ready when you come in all your glory! Amen.