Monday, March 30, 2015


1 Timothy 1:2

Coming to his thirteenth birthday, Pastor Chuck Swindoll writes, “I vividly remember the last spanking I ever received. Having just broken into the sophisticated ranks of the teen world, I thought I was something on a stick. My father wasn’t nearly as impressed as I was with my great importance and new-found independence. I was lying on my bed. He was outside the window on a muggy October afternoon in Houston, TX, weeding the garden. He said, ‘Charles, come out and help me weed the garden.’ I said something like, ‘No, it’s my birthday, remember?’ My tone was sassy and my deliberate lack of respect was eloquent. I knew better than to disobey my dad, but after all, I was the ripe old age of thirteen. Dad set a new 100-meter record that autumn afternoon. He was in the house in a flash and all over me like white on rice, spanking me all the way out to the garden. As I recall, I weeded until the moonlight was shining on the pansies. That same night he took me out to a surprise dinner. He gave me what I deserved earlier. Later he gave me what I did not deserve.   The birthday dinner was grace.” 

Now we all know that Jesus is God and He comes with grace to us. John teaches us this in 3 places -The Word is full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) John 1:16-17 from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

And the word grace is found 118 times in the New Testament. So it is an important word. But what does it mean?
Grace is what I, ______________ (your name), get from God even though I do not deserve it. Basically, it is a free gift from God and you and I do not deserve it.

Dear brother and sister in Christ: You and I are sinners and transgressors and we truly deserve God’s eternal damnation and punishment. But because of His grace, God does not condemn us or punish us. Instead He forgives us our sins and reconciles us to Himself. And Jesus paid the price on the cross for your wrongs and my wrongs, your sins and my sins.  

So remembering that we were bought with a price” let us “glorify God in our body.”(1 Corinthians 6:20)

Dear God, I am grateful that you are a God full of grace. Continue to shower your grace through Jesus, so that I can glorify you in my body and be fruitful in your kingdom. Amen.

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