Friday, March 6, 2015


Romans 10:9-17

Do you have neighbors who go overboard at Halloween or Christmas coming to outdoor lighting and decorations? (See links below*) What about homes decorated for Easter during Lent? You must have seen such homes. Most of the people who decorate for Easter have no clue about Good Friday or Easter.

If you were to ask the average child what Easter is all about, he or she will tell you about the Easter Bunny, Easter eggs and baskets. (By the way, aren’t you annoyed by that Easter basket ‘grass’ that sticks to everything in our homes and lingers long after Easter?) It’s not just children with cute ideas – many adults don’t know about Good Friday and Easter. They do not know what Jesus did for them.

Our Pastors and Sunday school teachers have taught us why the Friday before Easter is called Good. We were also taught why we celebrate Easter.  But the problem is we don’t tell others the good news of Jesus. In Romans 10  Apostle Paul writes 14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 … As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” 

Lent is a great time to tell others about Jesus. Tell others your plans for this lent season and the coming holy week. Tell them why you attend weekday Lent services in addition to regular Sunday services. Start with the children and grandchildren in your own family. You can also tell relatives, friends and coworkers. Tell them why YOU go to church. Tell them because of Jesus, even though YOU may die, YOU will not stay dead. Talk about yourself and how Jesus influenced your thoughts, words and actions. Invite them to Easter Service and breakfast that you plan to attend.

Now Jesus loves all of his creation including bunnies.  He also created the Cocoa trees that give us chocolate. But don’t you think it is a little bit strange that people exalt bunnies, jellybeans and decorations over Jesus-and that too on His Resurrection Day? 

That’s why you and I should ask ourselves “How are they to hear if I don’t tell them?” Our family, friends and neighbors need to hear the Good News from us.

Blessed Father give me the fortitude and resilience to teach others about Jesus. In His name I ask Amen.

* Extreme Christmas Lights - 

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