Thursday, March 12, 2015

DAY 20 “ Do You Know Me?” (Video)

Matthew 16:13-17

Beginning in 1974 American Express ran a successful advertising campaign for its credit cards. The campaign lasted over a decade. Many famous high-achievers whose names were known better than their faces acted as themselves in the commercials. In fact in a decade the “Do you know me?” commercials tripled the number of American express cardholders from six million to over 18 million.

So the commercials would begin with a person asking the question “Do you know me?” Then the person would give different clues about himself or herself and only at the end’  the person’s name was disclosed, that too by the imprint of the person’s name on the American Express card. And the commercial would end with the familiar American Express slogan “Don’t leave home without it!” The commercials improved not only the actors’ image but also sales of their products.

One of the commercials featured former U.S. Treasurer Francine Neff. Her signature was on millions of currency but nobody knew her face until the commercial aired. Here is the commercial-

Why am I writing all of this? ‘At the end’ of the time Jesus will come back in all His glory and might. We are told what will happen at his second coming -“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him.”(Revelation 1:7).  
Dear brother and sister in Christ! Jesus will return one day and when he comes he will not ask us the question “Do you know me?” We all will know who HE is. The important question for us is “Do we NOW know the Jesus of the Bible?”

In Matthew 16 Peter called Jesus “…the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Hearing Peter’s answer Jesus replied “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!”   What would you call Him? And what would Jesus say about your answer? Also, what would your answer be right now if Jesus were to ask you  “Do you know me?” Do you truly know Him? Is he your Lord and personal Savior?

Now is the time to know Jesus. We are blessed that He is a gracious and merciful God and He is giving us every opportunity to know him.   So let’s open the scriptures and get to know our True Lord and Savior.

Dear Jesus, my creator and my savior, I thank God that He revealed you to me. Please help me to truly know you and trust you only. Strengthen my faith in God though you. Amen!

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