Wednesday, March 18, 2015


John 10:11-18

It was talent night at a church. After some good and some not-so good performances, the Emcee called a man onto the stage and the man announced he would recite the 23rd Psalm. The man was an actor well versed in speech technique and drama. He performed a dramatic rendition of Psalm 23. As soon as he finished, the audience stood up, clapped and shouted ‘encore’ and ‘once more’ and they talked among themselves about the magnificent presentation. Then the Emcee came on the stage and called then next man to the stage. That second man announced that he would also recite Psalm 23. When he was done, there was no clapping or cheering. Instead, people sat quiet - in a mood of deep devotion and reflection. Then the actor came back on the stage and said,  “I would like to make a statement. You heard us both recite the same psalm but the difference is this: I know the Psalm, but he knows the Shepherd.”

Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and is concerned about the welfare and the care of His sheep.  He doesn’t call himself a king. He doesn’t claim any other grand earthly title for himself. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords but He calls himself a shepherd.  Under the Old Testament law, sheep were offered to God, but now the Good Shepherd, God Himself, offered himself for sins of his sheep! As  Ezekiel 34:23 teaches, “ … he shall feed them and be their shepherd.”

So the question is, how well do you and I know the shepherd? Or do we only know the psalm? Please ponder.

So let’s get to know Jesus as He knows each of us. We shall not want.

Father God, in your Son you have given me the true shepherd. I thank you for Jesus, your great gift.  Help me to recognize his voice and follow him. Amen!

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