Saturday, March 21, 2015


Philippians 4:4-7

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made the first successful powered and controlled flight of a heavier-than-air machine (i.e., a plane). After the historic flight, Wilbur sent the following message to their father by telegraph ‘Success four flights this morning all against twenty one mile wind started from Level with engine power alone average speed through air thirty one miles longest 57 seconds. Inform Press. Be home Christmas.’ So basically the message was ‘we have flown a machine for 57 seconds and by the way we will be home for Christmas.’ After receiving the telegram, their sister went to the local newspaper and informed the editor of her brothers’ flight in a machine. She also mentioned that her brothers were coming home for Christmas. The editor assured her that he would publish an article about her brothers. Two days later on December 19th, the paper had the following headline on the sixth page of the paper: "WRIGHT BROTHERS HOME FOR CHRISTMAS".

The most important story of the 1903- man’s first flight - and the editor missed it! Sometimes I wonder if you and I do the same coming to Jesus missing what He did and is doing for us. The greatest gift that comes from Jesus is Peace and we neglect it all the time.  Jesus said “…my peace I give to you.”(John 14:27). Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace just does not mean peace as we use it i.e., ending hostilities etc. Shalom means ‘making whole’ or ‘completing relationships’ or ‘restoring to completion’. And this includes the binding together of people, their hearts and their minds with each other and with God.  When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says He gives us His peace, Jesus is binding and reconciling us to Himself and to God the Father forever( 2 Corinthians 5:18).  And as part of this Shalom we are given the right and privilege to call God “Abba, Father.”  

But what do we do most of the time? We tend to run around and we try our best to get this so-called earthly peace by focusing on material trinkets and try to forge ‘peaceful relationships.’ Real peace does not exist in pews or narthex or in the one hour we spend in church and it definitely does not come from shopping at Macy’s or Nordstrom’s. Real Peace comes from God through Jesus and this peace abides in hearts of His children.

Therefore, let’s continue to live our earthly lives and enjoy the blessings of God that bring peace to each of us. Also let’s live united and in peace with one another as His creation – both in and outside the church. Let’s spend time with the Prince of Peace—and enjoy the rest, tranquility, harmony and hope He created in our hearts and spread the good news.

Dear Lord God I thank you that you have reconciled me to yourself through Jesus. Bless me to share this peace with others. Amen.

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