Wednesday, March 25, 2015


John 14:1-3

People have asked me “What happens after death?” A confirmand once asked, “What is it like to die?” I then explain death, hell, heaven, salvation etc. When I explain, I find the following illustration helpful. I also use it at funerals. It is not mine and I forget where I got it.

A wise Christian mother had six children.  The youngest, a boy, developed a fatal disease. The disease progressed rapidly. At first the young boy was unable to go to school. Then he was unable to go outside and play- finally he was confined to his bed. All he could do was look out from his bedroom window and watch his brothers, sisters and friends play in the back yard.

One day the boy asked the question that the mother dreaded the most- he asked “Mommy what is it like to die?” In a way the mother was prepared for that moment, but she could not handle the question when it came. She left his room and prayed for strength and wisdom.

When she came back to her son she said, “Honey remember the time when you were little and you would fall asleep in the car?”

The boy replied, “yes”.

Then she said, “Remember how you were surprised to wake up the next morning in your own bed and you would ask me how you got there?”

The boy nodded and said, “yes I remember.”

The mother explained, “Well as you know, your dad lifted you up with his arms and gently carried you to your own bed in your own room. That’s what it is like to die.”

Dear brother and sister in Christ: one day all of us will die. That day the greatest, gentlest, most gracious and merciful arms in the universe will slip under us, gently lift us up, and take us to a place that is prepared just for us. A place, a special place that is our own! And we will be with God forever. Yes Forever!

So let’s thank and praise God for His Grace.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for your love and salvific work. I am grateful that you live to intercede for me (Hebrews 7:25).  Amen.

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