Monday, March 2, 2015


Joel 2:12-13

Coming to Jesus’ ministry Matthew(4:17) writes… Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”’ Jesus’ first words in Mark’s gospel (1:14) are The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’ The apostles are sent out and ‘they went out and preached that people should repent’ (Mark 6:12). Christ himself warns us in Luke (13:5) ‘But unless you repent, you too will all perish.’

During this lent season the word repentance is used often because repentance and life after repentance are serious topics. But many Christians do not know what repentance is. So let me ask you -what is repentance?

People say repentance is sorrow, remorse, contrition, penitence etc. But the answer is simple - repentance is turning away. Tue repentance is not mourning, it is not just confession, it is not a public proclamation, repentance is simply turning away from the sin you are committing.

Well, maybe you heard that many times – repentance is turning away. Is turning away from a sin enough?  Let me explain. One of my uncles was very devout and faithful Christian. He attended a very strict Bible church that taught smoking tobacco was a sin. A chain smoker for over 30 years, my uncle one day stood up during testimony time and said he quit smoking the prior week with the help of God. The church members praised God and were all happy for my uncle but soon everyone realized that he gave up smoking for snuff.

So when a sinner repents, i.e. when a sinner turns away from sin, where or who should he turn to? Is it true repentance if the sinner turns to another sin?  

So what should we do when we repent?  I say turn away and turn to Christ. Don’t keep your eyes on the world but lookup to Christ. So turn away from sin and turn to Christ.   Turning any other way will disappoint us.

Now true repentance is easy. Christ tells us he is the way but warns us our Christian lives are not going to be easy.  But the good news is, the same Lord who forgives our sins tells us that his grace sufficient for us - it is by his grace and mercy we run the race and we should never forget that. In fact Paul teaches us “…God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance..” (Romans 2:4).

So let’s turn and return to God, glad that He will lead us to himself through Jesus.

Merciful God, I come to you today realizing that I am not what you want me to be. Help me let go of my past, that I may turn toward you and live the life that pleases you. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful season this is: Lent. it causes my to relent my wishes and desires in favor of my Savior's wishes and desires for me. Blessings, P. Ben, for your contribution to the Church and her call to repentance.
