Monday, March 9, 2015


Psalm 56*

Dear brother and sister in Christ: You might have read articles or books about people who claim that they died, and came back to life after spending time with God. I have seen TV shows and the movie ‘Heaven is for Real’ about people who died, spent time in heaven, and came back to earth. The people talk about seeing a light and/or talking to God or Jesus. (Now we have to be careful- the devil can disguise himself as an ‘angel of light.’(2 Corinthians 11:14)). Interestingly, there is one thing common among those who died and came back – they are not afraid to die again!!! It is because they realize there is life after death.

Coming to Psalm 56, it begins with the Psalmist’s lamentation and with expressions of confidence the Psalmist moves to praising God for delivering him. The Psalmist here is King David. David talks about his trouble that has passed because God heard his cry and acted on his behalf. And then David writes- ‘For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.’ (Psalm 56:13) In verse 12 he says because God delivered him from “death” to “life”, he will perform …vows’ and ‘render thank offerings’ to God. In Psalm 118:17 David shares a similar sentiment  I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord.”

So writing of God’s deliverance from  ‘death’ to ‘life’, David teaches us and assures us God is the sole deliverer. While we fear that we “who sin shall die”(Ezekiel 18:20), we can find solace in the fact that Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly.”(John 10:10) And that Jesus is working to mold us into His glorious image. Because of Jesus we will live, not in the darkness of death but in the light of life before God.  And all of this is ‘by Grace’.

So let’s not fear for Christ’sperfect love casts out fear.”(1 John 4:18). Let’s trust in God and thank Him delivering for us from “death to life”.
To be continued……

Dear God I thank you that that by your mercy and Grace you have given me eternal life thru your Son. In Jesus’ name I thank and pray. Amen.

* From verses 4&11 comes our currency motto “IN GOD WE TRUST”. 

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