Saturday, March 14, 2015


John 1:9-12

On April 8, 2007, the Washington Post newspaper in its Magazine section published an article titled “Pearls Before Breakfast.”  It was about an experiment. Some of the Washington Post staff wondered about public reaction, if a famous musician were to play as a street musician in one of the Washington, DC Metro stations.

So the newspaper approached Joshua Bell and asked if he would participate in the experiment. Now who is Joshua Bell? He is a gifted violinist. He is paid $1,000 per minute for his performances. Joshua’s instrument of choice is a Stradivarius violin made in 1713. In 2007 the violin was valued around $3.5 million.

So on January 12, 2007, Joshua dressed in a T-shirt and jeans took his valuable violin and played for 43 minutes at one DC Metro station. He played six of the greatest musical pieces known to man. 1097 people passed by but only a few took notice.    

One of the people who acknowledged the music was a man named John Picarello. He listened to Joshua for 9 minutes. Picarello’s description of the Metro musician - “This was a superb violinist. I’ve never heard anyone of that caliber. He was technically proficient, with very good phrasing. He had a good fiddle, too, with a big, lush sound. I walked a distance away, to hear him. I didn’t want to be intrusive on his space.” Picarello was a big fan of Joshua Bell — but he didn’t recognize Joshua that day. 

Dear brother and sister in Christ, God’s great wondrous and gracious hand is in your life. But do you always recognize his wondrous works in your life? Let’s not be like the world that did not recognize him(John1:10). Let’s recognize and acknowledge all that our God has done for us.

Dear God you are my Jehovah Jireh, my provider. Yet many times I do not recognize and acknowledge your wondrous works in my life. Please forgive my sin and receive my praise and thanks. Amen.

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