Tuesday, March 24, 2015


2 Corinthians 5:14-20

In the 1492 Ireland, the Butlers of Ormonde and the FitzGeralds of Kildare were involved in a dispute over the coveted post of Lord Deputy. The dispute escalated to a skirmish between the powerful families.  One day when the FitzGeralds attacked the Butlers, the Butlers took refuge in a place called the Chapter House at St. Patrick’s Cathderal. The FitzGeralds followed the Butlers to the Chapter House and, much to the surprise of all, their leader Gerald FitzGerald asked the Butlers to come out and make peace. The Butlers did not believe him and they refused, afraid they would be slaughtered.

Since the Butlers would not believe his words, Gerald FitzGerlad, ordered that a hole be made in the door. He then bravely put his arm through the hole and offered his arm in peace to the Butlers. Someone shook Gerald’s hand then the Butlers came out and the families made peace.

If you were to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral you can see the door* – it is called ‘The Door of Reconciliation’. Also, from this occurrence came the expression ‘to chance your arm”. It means ‘take a chance’ especially when reaching out to someone in reconciliation.

Dear brother and sister and Christ: many believe that when Jesus says, “ I am the door”(John 10:9) it just means that Jesus is the way to heaven. But the full verse is “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. ”(John 10:9) So what does this “in and out” mean? While our salvation is foremost, God sent Jesus to reconcile sinners like you and me to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:18). And then He sends us out into the word to reconcile and live with others. The Psalmist also teaches it is “good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”(Psalm 133:1) So our reconciliation is with our God and with others.

Therefore, let’s thank God that He reconciled us to Himself through Jesus and gives us new life and gives us the right to call Him “Abba! Father!” Let’s also love our brothers and sisters because “ we know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers.” (1 John 3:14) In addition, during this Lenten season, can I be bold to request you to  ‘chance your arm’?   

Abba! Father! I thank you for drawing me in through your Son’s sacrifice. I ask you to help me humble myself to reach out to the brother and sister as you send me out into the world. Give me strength and humility to reconcile with the many I wronged and the few who wronged me. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.


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