Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Alone in the DEEP - Day 18 (Song Video)

Please read Psalms 42 & 43

Today we look at verses 6 to 11 of Psalm 42 and we meet a depressed and discouraged psalmist. He is away from God’s house in Jerusalem in “the land of Jordan and of Hermon (v.6)”. Away from God’s house he feels abandoned by God. He is communicating with God but his depression has dragged him down to the ‘deep(v. 7)’. His words “all your breakers and your waves have gone over me(v.7)” sound as if the psalmist is blaming God, but he is not, because in verse 8 he tells us that he still trusts in the grace of the God of his life. Yet once again his depressed mind, the vacillating psalmist pleads “Why have you forgotten me?(v.9)” He also remembers his enemies’ taunts, but again in verse 11, he realizes the balm for his depression is the Hope that God provides.  

Nobel winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn spent eight years in Soviet prisons and three years in labor camps. Many times he thought he would die in the brutal atmosphere where he had to perform hours and hours of hard physical labor. One day in the  ‘deep’ Solzhenitsyn came up with a plan to die in the hands of prison guards. Leaning on his shovel, he stopped working and expected the prison guards to beat him to death. A fellow Christian prisoner, who saw what Solzhenitsyn was doing, used his own shovel and drew a cross that only Solzhenitsyn could see. Solzhenitsyn later testified that small cross in the dirt gave him hope in Christ and helped him survive the brutal prison conditions.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, have you ever felt alone and depressed? Worse, have you felt alone and depressed in a group, crowd or even in your church? Such situations might really take you to the ‘deep’, but always remember God’s promise “I will never leave you nor forsake you”( Hebrews 13:5), and the psalmist’s words  Hope in God” for one day you will be with Him because of Jesus.

Lord, I need you. Whenever I am in the deep, fill me with the hope that comes only from You, Your Son, and Your Word. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Kurt Carr Singers with the late great Natalie Cole- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLm9va_4JJc

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