Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cleansed by the Blood (Psalm 51) – Day 4

Please read Psalm 51

In v.7 David asks God “Purge me with hyssop,…wash me”.  He is asking God to remove his sins completely so that he will be “clean” and “whiter than snow”; David wants to be unstained by sin.

David refers to hyssop, which is a small plant.  In Israel, a bunch of hyssop was used to dip into blood and then the blood was sprinkled to ceremonially cleanse lepers (Leviticus 14:6,7). When David asks God to purge/cleanse him with hyssop, he realizes that the cleansing has to come from outside of himself.  He also acknowledges a costly cleansing – the sacrifice of a life. And that sacrifice cannot be the life of another sinner; it has to be the life of someone innocent. So David understands that he cannot cleanse himself and he looks up to God to cleanse him.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, do you realize that you and I, sinners, cannot cleanse ourselves from our sinful condition? Our One True God cleanses us, i.e. sets us free from sin. The good news is that Jesus the Christ died for your sins and my sins according His Father’s will and plan, and on the third day rose from the dead for your salvation and my salvation.  In The Glorious Exchange, Christ achieved for us what we cannot do or achieve. His death on the cross brings us life and he took our sins and gave us His Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). You and I should be suffering the wrath of God but in Christ God reconciles us to himself.  And that is good news!

The story is told of a chicken farmer who fled his home and farm during a fire. Before he ran off the property, the farmer opened the doors of the hen house and the chickens escaped the fire too. After the fire died, the farmer walked through his property, dejected and sad. He came to a hen lying on the ground, partly burnt to death with her wings spread wide open. Since he thought that all of his chickens fled the fire, the farmer was surprised to see a dead hen, and in disgust kicked the hen’s body. Then, to his surprise he saw two chicks run out from under the dead hen’s body. The mother hen took the fire to save the two chicks.  Jesus our Savior did that for us. He spread His arms on the cross and saved us from God’s wrath.

Dear Lord Jesus: I acknowledge that your suffering, sacrifice and death cleanse me with you blood. I thank you for cleansing me. Amen!

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