Thursday, March 2, 2017

O God! Create in me….. (Please read Psalm 51) - Day 2

Just as there are different genres of music – inspirational (Gospel), classical, contemporary etc. – there are genres or types of psalms. The three major genres of psalms are Thanksgiving, Lament, and Praise Psalms. Even among these three genres are other sub-genres, and I will address those sub-genres after Easter.

Psalm 51 is a Lament Psalm. In a Lament Psalm, the psalmist is full of emotion and expresses desperation, hurt, sadness, fear, abandonment, etc.  He is desolate yet pours out his heart to the only One who is there for him- God. The interesting fact is the sixty odd Lament Psalms (almost*) always end in thanksgiving because the expressive and emotional psalmist (re)turns to God, trusts Him and praises Him.

My three favorite psalms are 103, 91, and 121. I read them quite often – more than any other chapter or text in the Bible. The fourth favorite is Psalm 51. Along with Isaiah 43 (especially verses 1-5), Psalm 51 helps and comforts me in my temptations and sinful state. Also, during those times when I can’t express my sin/guilt in my own words, Psalm 51 helps me.

So what is great about this Psalm? When I read it, I am comforted by this thought - if God can blot out the transgressions David, thoroughly wash his iniquities, and cleanse David’s sins in His abundant mercy’ (V.1-2), God will, in His grace, mercy and kindness, do the same for me. He will also ‘create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me’ (v. 10) when I humbly approach Him. (I am not saying God should forgive me because He forgave David – also, you and I do not deserve His grace or mercy.) The ultimate comfort is that the One True God, who created the universe, and me, can recreate my heart and renew my spirit if I humbly ask him.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you must have experienced, in your walk of the narrow way, hurt and heartache. During those times how did God’s Word comfort you?  Please email (for confidentiality) or post (1) the verses or psalms that edify God’s grace and mercy and provide you comfort, and (2) your favorite psalms. 

God of all Mercy, God of All Grace: as 1 John 1:8 teaches me I am a sinner, and I have sinned against you and have done evil in your sight. Yet I trust you because you are a Merciful God, full of Grace, and because You listen to my feeble pleas and confessions.  I humbly ask in Your Son’s Name, Amen.

More on Psalm 51 tomorrow.

* Based on my research, Psalm 88, a Lament Psalm, does not end in thanksgiving.

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