Friday, March 10, 2017

No need to run and hide ……….. Day 9

Please read Psalm 32

Ever felt like running away from your family, your friends, and your job or even from everyone you know? One time or another, we feel like we should hide in a cave and sever contact with everyone. Even King David, the man after God’s own heart, writes 6 And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest; 7 yes, I would wander far away; I would lodge in the wilderness; Selah”(Psalm 55:6-7)

You and I experience stress in this life. Scientists say ‘some stress’ is good for us (2009 Newsweek article on stress*). But the problem is there is always more than ‘some stress’. Sometimes a whole lot more. Stress comes along when we deal with the world, and during our temptations, trials, and tribulations. The important task is how you and I deal with, or react to stress, stress-causing situations, and people who love to stress us.  While we want to run away from everything, this fleeing does not work. During those times of stress we feel nobody understands what we are going through. We ask the question ‘Why?’

Also, there are some people who are under stress because they worry that God will never forgive their sins. During one of my pastoral counseling sessions, a person lamented ‘Jesus suffered only a few hours; why am I suffering for such a long time? Why doesn’t He understand my suffering?’

The answer is God understands. That is why He sent Jesus and also gave us His Spirit. One day you and I will be in God’s presence– free from stress, mourning, wondering and the presence of sin. That is our guaranteed and wonderful future because Jesus came and He died on the cross for your sins and my sins and He rose on the third day for your salvation and my salvation. But even now, right now, we are in a blessed state because, God our Father forgives our sins because of Jesus.

David does understand that God forgives him. David uses three words to teach how God in His Grace responds to the sins of His penitent. First, God forgives sin (v.1), i.e., the sin that is burdening and depressing you and I is lifted off. Second, our sins are covered (v.2) by the blood of Jesus. And last, God does not count our sins (v.2) for the sake of Jesus. Realizing this, David praises God  7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” (v.7) and God responds in verses 8 and 9. God in his response is telling David and us if we should be willing to learn, i.e., we should have a learning spirit.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, do you realize that you are truly blessed by Jesus, both in this world and later when in heaven? Are you willing to be comforted by God’s Word- i.e. do you have a learning spirit or teachable spirit? Yesterday I wrote ‘When we focus on Jesus, His way will not seem narrow or bumpy.’ Today I write - focus on Jesus, learn from his Word and His Life and he will take care of your stresses and sins (Psalm 55:22).  

Heavenly Father: I am grateful that for Jesus’ sake, you are my hiding place, you preserve me from trouble and you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Amen!


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