Thursday, March 16, 2017

Omni-what? (Part 3) Day 14 - with video

Please read Psalm 139:13-18

(My third and final post on the ‘omni-whats’ or ‘omni-attributes’ of God -capital G).

Have you ever encountered a human being who claimed to be god? Did any of your friends invite you to go with them to meet a god? What would you do or, what did you do in such a situation? (We’ll come to this later1).

In the Bible, the adjective Almighty is used to describe God’s unlimited power. God tells Abraham I am God Almighty” (Genesis 17:1). This power is an attribute of God and it is called the His omnipotence. While it is difficult to comprehend the omnipotence of God – look at it this way – no one can do what God has done for us and for our salvation.

In verses 13 to 18 of Psalm 139, David talks about God’s omnipotence. In the first six verses he tells us God’s omniscience- His ability to know everything, and in the next six verses, David talks about God’s omnipresence- His ability be everywhere. And now we are told of God’s omnipotence - God’s supreme and unmatchable power. These three ‘omni-attributes’ make our God unique. There have been powerful rulers, emperors or kings on the earth, but their power is NOTHING compared to that of God.  Unlike the rulers, who depend on other human beings, our Sovereign God does not need any help or assistance coming to the planning and execution of His Will. Since God’s will includes knowing and being there for His believers and creation, we can say, God is omniscient and omnipresent because of his omnipotence.

So how does King David talk about God’s omnipotence? He tells how he was made or created in his mother’s womb. He writes, God formed his inward parts’ and ‘knitted him together in his mother's womb’ (v.13). And then in this ‘psalm of praise and worship’ David praises God’s ‘wonderful works’ (v. 14) and tells us how God creates us individually. Then there is this bewildering phrase of David –  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”(v.14). You and I might comprehend the concept that we are God’s wonderful creation – but fearful? Basically, David is saying – we are composed of fearful (complex) material(s) and at the same time we are wonderful because we are individuals - not a bunch of robots coming off an assembly line.

So I ask you dear brother and sister in Christ: do you realize that each one of you is a beautiful, complex, individual, and distinguished creation of God?  Some people talk about doppelgangers2 -who might look the same but their DNA is not. And God is telling each of you “I know you by name” (Exodus 33:17) and “ you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you,” (Isaiah 43:4). That is why Jesus suffered and died on the cross for your sins and my sins and rose on the third day for your salvation and my salvation. No other person has the power to do that for us – Jesus makes this clear – “…I lay down my life that I may take it up again.18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again” (John 10:17-18). So let us continually thank and praise our Almighty God.

Dear Heavenly Father; I thank you that, I _________________(your name here) am your beautiful and individual creation. I also thank you for sending Jesus for ME. For His sake, Amen!

1 So what should we do when we meet someone who claims to be a god? Just ask the god (small g) “what have you created out of nothing?”  

2Interesting ABC News video