Friday, March 17, 2017

Response to Randall Kelly’s Comment on the Day 14 Post

When my seventy-year-old mother experienced severe knee and leg pain, her doctor told her ‘people take their legs for granted until they can’t walk’. In the same way, you and I do not realize the wonder of us and we take our bodies for granted. We also do not fully understand how our bodies were knit by God and assembled for maximum efficiency. More than that, we forget that as of now we are primarily souls with bodies, and we don’t apprehend how the soul functions. The body and soul are extraordinary individual creations and gifts of God and yet we are not good stewards of them. Also we abuse and misuse our bodies even though we are told that the body is the temple of God.

In the 1970s I read an article –explaining how the human body is full of elements that can actually be used to make bombs. (I do not remember the writer’s name or profession.) Also, I occasionally read how people cannot explain some emotions especially guilt.  The human mind also is complicated to understand fully how it works. Even though I don’t understand everything, I am grateful my Creator knows.

So the human body is a mystery even in the 21st century. It is a mysterious and complex combination of bones, organs, muscles, nerves, tendons, fluids etc. And that thought should create awe in our hearts. It should also humble us because only God knows how we are made and how we function.  

I hope this helps. Any questions please contact me.


Yesterday Randall Kelly commented ‘You have me needing more info on "fearfully made”’.

A) Normally how I prepare for my blog. (Steps after prayer).

Step 1: I read the text in my ESV Bible.
The text for the day 14 post is Psalm 19:13-18 and the comment was specifically about verse 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” In my ESV Bible there is a footnote which would make us read verse 14 as “I praise you, for I am fearfully set apart” but that footnote refers only to the  wonderfully part not the fearfully part.

Step 2: After I read the ESV text, I normally refer to two of my study Bibles.
In both Study Bibles noted (1) no clear explanation (footnote) and (2) the avoidance coming to fearfully.

Step 3: Then I look at my 4-in-1 Parallel Bible, where I compare the ESV text with NKJV, NLT(rare), The Message and separately refer to the NIV.
ESV, NKJV and NIV say “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
NKJV has a footnote and using that verse 14 would read I will praise You, You are fearfully wonderful.” That did not help much because David is using his body as it applies to himself and praises God; but with the footnote the focus shifts from his body to God- I do not agree with that translation. Also, if the footnote words and thought are correct, why are they in a footnote and not the main text?
Then the Message – it did not help coming to fearfully.
However, NLT which I do not normally consult, says Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!”

Step 4: Refer to Hebrew-English Interlinear texts
Normally I look at one but I went to three to understand fearfully – and in all three I encountered the “fearfully made” and no other interpretation. The Hebrew word for fear is transliterated yare’ and some of its meanings are: to cause astonishment and awe; to inspire reverence or Godly fear

Step 5: Read Commentaries and other related Bibles and texts.
For the text I read two of the five commentaries I can access. The two I read are the latest among the five. Both of them briefly explained the “fearfully part.”

Step 6: Read other literature if necessary.
Read articles about human anatomy, biochemistry etc. Have to admit; I did not understand even half of what I read.

So with the above in mind I formed the idea that David is praising God for making David a complex and wonderfully set apart individual, meaning God created David as a unique person and David is born with a Body and Soul and is set apart from the rest of God’s creation – i.e., there is no other person like David.

And after all of that I posted  -
So how does King David talk about God’s omnipotence? He tells how he was made or created in his mother’s womb. He writes, God formed his inward parts’ and ‘knitted him together in his mother's womb’ (v.13). And then in this ‘psalm of praise and worship’ David praises God’s ‘wonderful works’ (v. 14) and tells us how God creates us individually. Then there is this bewildering phrase of David –  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”(v.14). You and I might comprehend the concept that we are God’s wonderful creation – but fearful? Basically, David is saying – we are composed of fearful (complex) material(s) and at the same time we are wonderful because we are individuals - not a bunch of robots coming off an assembly line.

Then comes Randy’s comment.

B) So what did I do to prepare a response?
(1)  Opened three books The Bible Background Commentary –Old Testament  and Hard Sayings of the Bible both by IVP, and Zondervan’s Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. None of them touch verse 14.
(2)  Next IVP’s Dictionary of Biblical Imagery – no help there.
(3)  I looked at three more Bibles - The Cultural Background Study Bible, The Archaeological Study Bible and The Chronological Study Bible – Result? In the notes there is no explanation.
(4)  Went to the other three commentaries I did not consult prior to the post.
Results: (a) Geoffrey Grogan talks about “awe and wonder”. In the Bible, awe and awesome refer to the work of God.
(b) Charles Spurgeon’s Treasury of David (published 1885) “even in the act of creation he created reasons for our praising his name, For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Who can gaze even upon a model of our anatomy without wonder and awe? Who could dissect a portion of the human frame without marvelling at its delicacy, and trembling at its frailty? The Psalmist had scarcely peered within the veil which hides the nerves, sinews, and blood vessels from common inspection; the science of anatomy was quite unknown to him; and yet he had seen enough to arouse his admiration of the work and his reverence for the Worker” and later They are works within my own self, yet are they beyond my understanding, and appear to me as so many miracles of skill and power. We need not go to the ends of the earth for marvels, nor even across our own threshold; they abound in our own bodies.”
(c) Franz Delitzsch’s Eerdmans Commentary (German published 1867) “ I give thanks unto Thee that I have wonderfully come into being under fearful circumstances, i.e. circumstances exciting a shudder.” 

(5)  Went to the other three other texts I did not consult prior to the post- not much help.

So what is my response?

When my seventy-year-old mother experienced severe knee and leg pain, her doctor told her ‘people take their legs for granted until they can’t walk’. In the same way, you and I do not realize the wonder of us. We do not fully understand how our bodies were knit by God and assembled for maximum efficiency. More than that, we forget that as of now we are primarily souls with bodies, and we don’t apprehend how the soul functions. The body and soul are extraordinary individual creations and gifts of God and yet we are not good stewards of them. Also we abuse and misuse our bodies even though we are told that the body is the temple of God.

In the 1970s I read an article –explaining how the human body is full of elements that can actually be used to make bombs. (I do not remember the writer’s name or profession.) Also, I occasionally read how people cannot explain some emotions especially guilt.  The human mind also is complicated to understand fully how it works. Even though I don’t understand everything, I am grateful my Creator knows.

So the human body is a mystery even in the 21st century. It is a mysterious and complex combination of bones, organs, muscles, nerves, tendons, fluids etc. And that thought should create awe in our hearts. It should also humble us because only God knows how we are made and how we function.  

I hope this helps. Any questions please contact me.

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