Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Whither Light and Truth? - Day 19 (2 Videos)

Please read Psalms 42 & 43.

Today we look at Psalm 43.  In this short psalm, the psalmist continues with his vacillating thoughts of dejection and trust.  Compared to the previous psalm, the 43rd Psalm’s words and language are less about the psalmist’s suffering, but more about his dependence and hope in the provisions of God. The psalm ends with a repetition of the words twice expressed in Psalm 42 – words of reason, self-reassurance, and hope.

In verses 1 and 2, the Psalmist talks about “ungodly people”, “deceitful and unjust man” and “enemy”. But then he prays that God sends His “ light and truth” because they will bring the psalmist once again to God’s temple. He wants to come to the “holy hill” from the “Mount Mizar”( 42:6). There is record of a Mount Mizar near the Jordan area, but Mizar means little hill. So the Psalmist is praying that God would take him from his lower hill/place to the heights of God’s house and God’s presence.  

In verse 3, the psalmist asks for God’s “light and truth”. What does the Bible teach about God’s light and truth? Jesus is the light and the truth. In John 14:6 Jesus makes it clear – I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” So Jesus is the truth - and the truth of the gospel is man cannot save us - only Jesus. His death on the cross brings you and I the forgiveness of our sins and His resurrection on the third day assures us our own resurrection. Coming to light Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(John 8:12)

Dear brother and sister in Christ: as disciples and followers of Jesus, you and I “have the light of life.” With that always in our mind, let us not look at the world that leads us to misery, but focus on Jesus and His Word that drive away our doubts, depression, enemies, deeps etc. And let us praise and rejoice in the Lord always.

Heavenly Father: let me never forget that  “Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a LIGHT to my path”
, because “your word is TRUTH”. Jesus I thank you for
Your prayers to our Father for me, pleading, “sanctify them in the TRUTH”.  Amen.

Enjoy & reflect (email if there are more uplifting songs or versions of the below songs)

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