Monday, March 20, 2017

My Only Hope - Day 17 (Song Video)

Please read Psalm 42 & 43.

Today we look at verses 1 to 5, and the first three words of verse 6 of Psalm 42. People might not know or remember Psalm 42, but many know the words of verse 1 because of the songs (plural) written using the words. If you have not heard any of the songs here is one I like- 

People like the above song but they do not realize the words actually come from a lament psalm. The song above is uplifting but most of Psalm 42 is not. In fact we encounter a world of trouble in Psalms 42 and 43. Then again, three times- in 42:5&6, 42:11, and 43:5- we encounter the psalmist’s reason and self-reassurance- Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

In verse 1 of Psalm 42, the Psalmist says that his soul pants for God and immediately writes “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” At first, it reads as if the psalmist’s desire is to be with God, but the truth is the psalmist wants to die and go to God. We realize that when we read about the tears he sheds (v.3) because of his suffering. While he is in this pathetic state his enemies mock him (v.3) and his suffering increases. He ponders “When (v2)” his life will end while being mocked “Where(v.3)”. Later in verse 4 he wishes he’d rather go to the festivals in the house of God to forget his suffering and his enemies.  

Then he reasons with himself “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?” and he remembers his/our God, and remembers the great Hope. The psalmist says he pants for God, i.e., he has a great want for God. He knows that God wants to take care of the needs of psalmist’s soul and is waiting with open arms. He knows God has the balm for his sufferings.  After questioning When (v2)” and facing “Where(v.3)” the psalmist comforts himself, asking “Why(v.5)” with the knowledge that God is there for him.

Dear brother and sister in Christ: do you realize that Jesus is the balm for all of our needs, sufferings, and sins? The world and its demands will depress us, but just like the psalmist let us put our hope in Jesus until that day when we will be with Him forever.

Dear Jesus, You know me and my trials, my temptations and my tears.  I acknowledge that I myself am the reason of my suffering, and I have no hope but You, my Creator, the Atoner of my sins, my Savior,  my redeemer and my first Comforter. In Your love, grace and mercy once again comfort me the only way You and Your Spirit can comfort me. Amen.

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