Tuesday, March 28, 2017

But it hurts! Day 24

Please read psalm 23

Today we revisit verse 4 of Psalm 23. The verse goes “ Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Yesterday we looked at David telling us not to fear evil while walking “through the valley of the shadow of death.”

Today we will look at the other phrase in verse 4 “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  King David tells us he fears no evil because he knows God is with him. Then he says God provides comfort. So how does God provide His comfort? With His rod and staff.

So what is a rod and what is a staff? Shepherds have used them both for centuries. Since it is more familiar than a rod, let’s look at a staff first.   Here is a picture –
A shepherd carries his staff in his hand. Whenever he wants to control a stubborn sheep, he uses it as an extended arm. The crooked/curved end serves to catch the sheep by its neck and guide it to wherever the shepherd wants it to be or go. So it used as a guide to get a wayward sheep back on track and does not cause pain to the sheep.

On the other hand, a rod is there to inflict pain. A shepherd carries his rod, which is much shorter than a staff, tucked at his waist.  A rod is a heavy piece of solid wood. It has an enlarged knob on one end. The shepherd uses it as a weapon to drive away wolves and robbers who prey on sheep. Some shepherds can actually hurl a rod to strike and hurt robbers or wolves or even to scare the sheep.  Here is a picture of my shepherd’s rod-
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:  today we learn that a shepherd uses his staff to guide and control the sheep without causing any pain, but uses the rod to inflict pain.  Coming to us, Jesus - our good shepherd- knows you and I, His sheep (John 10:14). And He knows what is the best for us in our lives. So Jesus, God Himself, uses either a rod or staff to provide us the comfort we need.  You and I might not realize it- but sometimes our sovereign God in His wisdom uses trials to guide, lead, and comfort us when we walk the narrow way.  

Dear heavenly Father: continue to guide me according to Your grace and mercy and according to your will. Please help me to always keep my focus on You through Jesus. Amen.

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