Thursday, March 9, 2017

Focus! Focus! Focus! Day 8

Please read Psalm 1.

Normally, I do not remember movie dialogue(s). However, for some reason I cannot forget some words spoken by the character Lee, played by Bruce Lee, in the 1973 movie ‘Enter the Dragon’.  In the beginning of the movie, a martial-arts student comes to Lee. Lee tests the student’s kicks and tells him to focus while kicking.  And he tells the student ‘it is like a finger pointing away to the moon, concentrate on the finger and you will miss all the heavenly glory.’

Coming to us, the Bible teaches that God saves us for His Glory (Isaiah 48:9-11). But many times instead of enjoying the Glory of God and working for the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31) we tend to focus on worldly matters too much and they drag us down. And then we walk away from God; instead of being like the blessed man we meet in Psalm 1. The Psalm describes the blessed man –first by telling us what the man does (should) not do – “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; (v.1)” and then tells us what the (focused) man does – “…his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night” (v. 2).

In verse 1 the words counsel, way and seat are about the choices man makes coming to his thoughts, deeds, and relationships. The wrong choices lead man on a way of regression, first with man walking with the wicked- all the while thinking, spending some time with the worldly or sinners is not going to hurt or harm him, even though Paul warns Bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:3)”. Then the man stands with the worldly sinners, i.e., he spends more time with them. And lastly the man sits with scoffers (those who scoff God) enjoying their company.

So what are believers to do when they are on such a slide or regression? Some change churches. Others blame pastors and elders. Some even walk away from Christ seeking futile paths of self-discovery. Running here, there and everywhere they forget that it is their own hearts and minds that cause the slide or regression. So what are they to do?   Verse 2 provides the answer - day and night delight and meditate on the word of God.  And that should be our focus. When we focus on Jesus, His way will not seem narrow or bumpy.

Dear God: please help me to walk the way you set for me, all the time focusing on Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen!

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