Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Omni-what? (Part 2) Day 13

Please read Psalm 139:7-12

After acknowledging and praising God’s omniscience in the first six verses of Psalm 139, David extols God’s omnipresence in the next six verses. He writes, Where shall I go from your Ruwach (Spirit)? Or where shall I flee from your paniym (presence)? (v. 7)” Most English Bible versions correctly use the words ‘Spirit’ and  ‘presence’ coming to verse 7, but let’s take a look at the Hebrew words Ruwach or Ruah and paniym. Ruwach means wind or breath. In Genesis 1:2 Ruwach is used when we are introduced to God the Holy Spirit. Just as wind is everywhere on the earth, God the Holy Spirit is everywhere, i.e., omnipresent.   

Paniym is an interesting word. It means face. In Numbers, God commands (“you shall”) Aaron to bless the Israelites by saying 24 The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face (paniym) to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”(Numbers 6:24-26)  Basically, David is writing in  ‘where can I flee from your face/presence God?’

Yet beginning with Adam, people have tried to avoid the face of God. Jonah is probably the best example - Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the paniym of the Lord. (Jonah 1:3). Francis Thompson in his great poem* describes God’s pursuit of the human soul.  While man tries to hide or runaway, the truth is - God has been seeking man since Adam’s rebellion-  “The Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”(Genesis 3:9).

People run from God because they are scared, hurt (by others, but blame God), proud, rebellious, or believing to know what is best for them. When they run away, they miss God’s spiritual blessings but they can never escape the truth, and blessings of His Love, which are evident on the Cross.  So let’s turn away from our feeble attempts of running away or hiding from God, and turn to Jesus and be the salt and light for Jesus and His Gospel.

Blessed God, I thank you that you are with me all the time, and one day I will see you face to Face because of Jesus. Until then guide me with Your Spirit and continually cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. In His Name I pray. Amen.

* Poem and the late Richard Burton’s     reading

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to that face to face with great anticipation & trying to stay focused on our current face to face in our temporal experience with God the Holy Spirit.
