Monday, March 13, 2017

Evergreen Tree …. Day 11

Please read Psalm 52

In I Samuel 21:7 we encounter Doeg the Edomite, the chief of King Saul's herdsmen. He is mentioned three more times in I Samuel 22 and in the superscription of Psalm 52. Doeg is mentioned only four times in I Samuel – but his impact is tragic. In I Samuel 22:9 we see that Doeg reports to Saul the meeting between David and Abimelech the priest in Nob, and how Abimelech helped David. Later we see Doeg obeying Saul’s command … strike the priests” (1 Sam 22:18) kills 85 priests. And without any reason or a command from Saul we learn 1Nob, the city of the priests, he(Doeg) put to the sword; both man and woman, child and infant, ox, donkey and sheep, he put to the sword” (1 Sam 22:19).

And David remembers the evil of Doeg in Psalm 52(please see superscription). In the first four verses David describes how a wicked and evil man functions using his words. In verses 5 to 7, David describes the fate of the wicked man – how he faces the wrath of God, and how the righteous laugh at the wicked ‘s fall.     

While the first seven verses talk about the wicked man and this fate in the hands of God, the last two verses give us a picture of man who is blessed by God. David, writing “because you(God) have done it(v. 9)”, tells how with God’s blessings you and I are like a fresh, luxuriant and evergreen tree standing in God’s presence - FOREVER.

So what do we learn from Psalm 52? God’s Mercy (steadfast love) endures longer, in fact forever, than the worst evil that is inflicted on you and I in this world. And in that Mercy we are nurtured to grow and be fruitful. So let us not lose hope when we face hostility and hate, and let us continue to grow in His Grace, Love and Mercy producing fruit that bring glory to God.

Dear Jesus, let me never forget that I am like an evergreen tree because you planted me by streams of water and because of your sacrifice on the cross my leaves never wither. Help me with Your Spirit to yield fruit all the time. Amen.