Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday March 1, 2017 - Day 1

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

Today I begin my 2017 Lent devotions. Please pray to God to give me the strength and the mindset to continue and finish what I begin today. I thank you all for your prayers and encouragement for the past two years and pray to God to bless you all.

Coming to Lent, there are many Christian churches that observe Lent. There are many that do not, because there is no mention of Lent in the Scriptures and there is no command –‘Thou shall observe Lent.’  

In Genesis 18 ashes are mentioned the first time. Abraham mentions human frailty in the presence of an almighty God when he states, Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes” (Genesis 18:27). Ashes remind us we are human, and we need to repent and seek God’s grace and forgiveness.  We also see that the use of ashes in the scriptures symbolize humility, remorse, and repentance. 

Lent and the traditions observed, whether giving or giving up something (charity, fasting etc.) or the adding of something (scripture study, meditation etc.), do not save us. Only God in His Grace saves us (Ephesians 2:8). Also, it is not a sin if the traditions are not observed or ignored.

So please remember that Jesus did everything for your salvation and mine. God is neither impressed nor pleased because we do some good. He is pleased with us right now because of Jesus.

Abba, Father! I thank you for your son Jesus Christ our Lord. Help us to truly understand and appreciate how You reconciled us to yourself IN CHRIST( 2 Corinthians 5:19). I ask this in His name. Amen.

If you need prayers please email me –


  1. Im so glad you have decided to continue with Balaams Donkey. I look forward to the weekly devotions. May God our Father give you strength and words to enrich all of our lives with His word. God Bless, Jenny D'Andrea

  2. Nice and honest writing Brother!

  3. I think because we are so easily taxied away from the Gospel as in the Greek of Galatians it is important to keep the bottom line of the Gospel as of Paul,"Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, was buries and rose again the third day; He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might be made the right- eousness of God in Him." Now that's the Gospel!

  4. Thank you, P Ben, for picking up the proverbial pen again, and letting His Spirit guide you as you lead us into this season of Lent. Lord GOD, Father above, bless Your servant with the desires of His heart in accordance with Your divine & holy will. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

  5. Thanks, Pastor Ben, for inviting us to join you on this incredible Lenten Journey.
