Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Aren’t you glad Jesus is there to …… Day 6

Please read Mark 6:17-20 (for the whole story read 6:14-29)

In v. 20 we learn that Herod Antipas likes “to listen to” John the Baptist.  Herod listens until it becomes personal, i.e., until John points to and talks about Herod’s sin. What is Herod’s sin? He divorces his wife Phasaelis and marries Herodias, wife of his brother Herod II, aka Herod Philip I. Then John the Baptist comes around and tells Herod   "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife" (v.18), and upsets Herodias and she makes Herod imprison John.

Herod is a sinner. He is committing a sin, but being a ruler, a tetrarch, the son of Herod the great, probably nobody dares to tell Herod his sin. Just as an Indian proverb that goes -(paraphrased) when the king does “it” he is a romantic; when the dhobi (washer-man) does “it” he is an adulterer, some of Herod’s subjects probably tell him that what he is doing is fine, even laudable. Also, nothing is stated about Herod II being upset about the marriage of Herodias and Herod Antipas. Herod probably defines and ignores his own sin in a way that is acceptable to him.

Just as Herod two thousand years ago, nowadays many people define their transgressions/sins in their own ways. They are sinning but they define their sins in a way that is convenient for them to continue in sin. So what are we do with such people in the church? Jesus shows us how to deal with such sinners in Matthew 18:15-17.

What about you and I? Who will tell us our sins when we ignore them? The scriptures are clear.  The truth is you and I are sinners as I John 1:8 teaches, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” But there is good news for us sinners.  Let’s go back to Herod - Herod has John who tells him about his sin. We are in a much better position than Herod. Jesus - the one greater than John - is in our lives. He not only will tell us what our sins are - He also cleanses us from those sins. We are blessed to have Jesus as our teacher and our God because He also washes us – with His blood that He shed on the cross - from our sins.  So let us repent and believe that good news.

Blessed Jesus: Thank you for giving me Your Spirit and Word to learn about my sin(s). Amen.

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